Redwood Town School
On Thursday 6th June year 3 and 4 students visited Amy White’s farm near Spring Creek just outside of Blenheim. When we arrived on the bus we stepped into buckets of disinfectant to help protect her farm then we sat down on the concrete of her cowshed to have our morning tea.
Amy introduced us all to her farm, the hazards, and the other’s helping out today. She had her brother Jordan, her parents Stephen and Susan, her grandparents Adrian and Marlene, her worker Grace and Victor from Fonterra helping lead the modules.
We split up into our four large groups and rotated through the modules of Cowshed, Fonterra, Machines and Calves. Then got back together at the end to pat the dogs and chickens as well as ask any more questions. Next we washed our hands and drank our flavoured milk Victor provided, before cleaning our boots and boarding the bus back into Blenheim. It was a fun filled day for both the students and adults alike.