Oxford Area School
We had a three groups of 28 rotating through three activities each Friday morning.
Day One - Videos and tracking the tanker round the farms. A really good exercise, the students got into it and some valuable learning was taking place. They especially liked using google-maps and the 'directions' facility. Good use of string to model the length of the track
Day Two was heavily maths based which was great! Uncovered some misconceptions in measurement. Also allowed some students to really shine with their knowledge of % etc.
Day Three- we are in the midst of the last activity - Cow Olympics. Found we needed way more than 40 minutes! Needed at least 20min for them to come up with a suitable task. We knocked it down to 5 groups of six students. Once the Olympics competition started one of the six students would remain behind at the station to sort any problems that might arise.
So far they have enjoyed sorting out there activities.
Many thanks again for providing us with this resource and please include us in any future projects.