A town raised on milk
A town raised on milk
Sourcing local photos and stories to build a map of community connections to the dairy industry.
1 x How can we successfully invite people to share their stories with us? Teacher Guide
1 x How can I find something that I'm not even sure exists? Teacher Guide
1 x How can I arrange my photos to tell a story? Teacher Guide
1 x A Proud History Fact Sheet
1 x Community Storytelling Event Flier
12 x Regional Dairy History Summaries (Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Canterbury, Hawkes Bay, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tasman, wellington, Waikato, West Coast).
Creating intergenerational conversations in our own community around a theme.
Organising and creating an event for the local community.
Understanding the diversity of connections of our local community to the dairy industry.
This is a free digital resources available immediately upon checkout.