The price of milk
The price of milk
Examining the complex relationship between dairy farming and New Zealand's environment, communities and economy.
1 x How would New Zealand's dairy industry be impacted by economic, social and environmental change? Teacher Guide
1 x What different options do New Zealanders hold about our dairy industry? Teacher Guide
5 x Scenario Cards - Drought, Oversupply, Loss of Demand, Flooding and Population Growth.
1 x A Proud History - Dairying in NZ Fact Sheet
1 x Just Add Water Fact Sheet
1 x What does a $5.25 Payout mean to your Main Street? Fact Sheet
1 x Community Impact of Dairying Fact Sheet
How economic, social and environmental changes impact New Zealand’s dairy industry.
Making connections to predict, infer and forecast.
To create and deliver a compelling presentation.
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