Calf Club Game

Calf Club Game
Rosie's Calf Club is a farmtastic, free online game that lets you adopt your very own pet calf and teaches you how to look after it.
Play for 12 days and learn about rearing, leading and feeding a calf. Complete a quiz and earn virtual calf club ribbons as rewards.
What are we learning?
What is needed to keep our pet happy and healthy?
What happens on a dairy farm?
The different parts of a dairy farm
How people on a farm interact with the animals on the land
How to use sequential words to order my writing
How to put my actions into a logical order
How to use a recount to tell my audience about something I have done
To identify the skills we learn and use in our everyday lives
To transfer the abstract skills learnt in one situation to other areas of life
Learning new skills is important to our personal growth and development
Do our actions have consequences?
How looking after a calf compares to looking after another kind of pet
The rules and guidelines for being responsible for the health and wellbeing of an animal
To use a graphic organiser to clarify our thinking
To use the information in a graphic organiser to make generalisations
How to present information using images
The difference between necessity and ‘nice to have’
The difference between a domestic pet, a farm animal and an animal living in the wild
This is a free digital resources available immediately upon checkout.